practice notes
Protecting natural form and character, and river extent
It’s time to make room for rivers and ensure freshwater ecosystems are as natural as possible!
Protecting riparian margins and stock exclusion
It’s a three-step approach – remove stock, widen your fenced riparian margins, and then plant the right vegetation!
Environmental flows and levels; and take limits
Flow connects the whole story - freshwater ecosystems rely on water body’s natural flow variability and levels to function!
Protect drinking water supplies to protect people’s health.
Step change is required to improve the health and wellbeing of water bodies and freshwater ecosystems. They cannot decline!
Identifying Freshwater Management Units
Freshwater Management Units (FMUs) are a management tool, not a monitoring tool. They are the scale at which you manage resources for freshwater outcomes. This needs to involve tangata whenua and communities that have an interest, are engaged, or are involved in freshwater management such as community groups or locals in that area.
Preparing Action Plans
Action plans should be integrated into the National Objectives Framework (NOF) process and considered and developed alongside limits. They should not be seen as an add-on further down the track. Discussions about action plans with tangata whenua should start early, be meaningful and integrate discussions about monitoring, mātauranga and transfer of management or power.
Protecting and restoring wetlands
Wetlands are our climate adaptation hero and provide a range of important ecosystem services!
Photo shows drainage and development of a peat wetland in lowland Southland for pastoral farming purposes.
Trout and Native Fish Species Interactions Resource
Trout and native fish species interactions resource
Protecting the habitat of trout and salmon
Trout and salmon habitat contributes to a healthy freshwater ecosystem!
Photo credit: Darryl Torckler, Pair of Salmon Spawning.
Control intensive winter grazing
Self-managing intensive winter grazing has not worked – more stringent rules are urgently required to improve water quality!
Protect the habitat of indigenous freshwater species
Protect indigenous freshwater species habitat from the mountains to the sea!
Consent terms and activity status
Activity status and consent term should reflect certainty and impact!
Developing long-term visions
Visions are the foundation to build strong freshwater outcomes into your regional plan!
Protecting water bodies & freshwater ecosystem health
Step change is required to improve the health and wellbeing of water bodies and freshwater ecosystems. They cannot decline!